Photo by Temo Berishvili on

Companion Faith

I began my author’s journey a few years back, only dreaming of one day getting to know different women of faith (and writing about them.)

In January of this year, the Lord impressed upon my heart 12 sisters of faith (from the Old and New testaments) to open my life up to. He has placed them on my heart faithfully every day, calling me to learn more the beauty of how He uses our unique personalities (and walks) to influence and mold our individual faith.

God is, after all, the Creating Personality, as A.W. Tozer said in his precious book, The Pursuit of God.

I must give a shout out to my “Isaiah-til-we-are-100” friend, who encouraged me to jump in and kick-start the introduction process to these astounding women of faith. She challenged me with this text – “Tell me how Priscilla’s faith inspires you?”

Honestly, I thought I knew a little about her already, however, as with any individual, there are personality layers, and if you want to get to know them, you have to spend quality time with them. Therefore, I asked our Father to introduce me to his precious daughter in a way that would change me for the better, and I know this is just the beginning.

Priscilla was an amazing woman of God. It is evident her husband was sure to trust in and depend on her. I have no doubt he knew her worth was greater than all the rubies in all the world.

She was always mentioned alongside her husband, whether it was in the family business of tentmaking, the mentoring and discipling of Apollos, giving the Apostle Paul a home, hosting Church in her home, or in being willing to lay her life on the line for the sake of the gospel and her friend.

One commentary made this statement, regarding the quietly humble and faithful discipling ministry of Priscilla (and her husband Aquilla,)

“If we cannot be great, by God’s grace we may be the means of making others great.”

She willingly and graciously partnered in the gospel – being a woman poured out for Jesus. She is only mentioned a handful of times, but what an impact one woman’s faith – in the hands of her Father – made!!

She was humble, steadfast, hardworking, and a wise servant of Christ as she aided in furthering His gospel and building the Church.

After spending a little time with our Father, and meeting Priscilla in a brief encounter through the Word, I believe what inspires me most is that her companion style faith was genuine and steadfast.

She was a true partner in both marriage and in ministry. What a beautiful picture of her unique faith.

The quiet, yet profoundly influential, life of Priscilla, resonates with my teacher-heart.

The children placed under my care are the future, what a privilege to learn from this woman of faith about being compassionate and gentle in the way I mentor and teach the truth of His love for us.

Our Creator knows us – He knitted us in our Mother’s womb and called us to do anointed things for Him. He will use our uniqueness to design our faith. And, He most assuredly will use one woman’s faith in the most marvelous of ways!

8 responses to “Companion Faith”

  1. Interesting insights and encouragement for those of us who minister in humble spheres.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ❤️thank you Cathy, dear friend!!


  2. This has blessed my heart so much. I feel like I am on this journey with you. Only how can that be? I have done so much hard work too, believe me! Praise God!
    I love you so much sis! I will con to pray that all this continues to come to fruition!
    With love in Christ, Sis
    On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 2:30 PM One Woman’s Faith wrote:
    > onewomansfaith posted: ” I began my author’s journey a few years back, > only dreaming of one day getting to know different women of faith and > writing about them. In January of this year, the Lord impressed upon my > heart 12 sisters of faith (from the Old and New testaments) to o” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love you too!!! And you are on the journey with me!!!


  3. Get up … and get going! 😊 You are doing this!
    Love your writing. Love your heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ❤️ little girl, rise !!! Love you!


  4. Darlene Wilson Avatar
    Darlene Wilson

    Wonderful written my sweet Tonya keep this up love you.

    Liked by 1 person

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